
Rigeda is collection of tools and methodologies to create a set of modern, open source, easily accessible tools for IC design, especially Analog

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Road Map

Rigeda is in its very early stage of development but growing fast. The major milestones we are targetting are listed below:

  1. Finish Lua-GL
  2. Create schematic editor starting from the Lua-GL demo application
  3. Create a waveform viewer by either using code from existing waveform viewer like GTKWave,Gwave,Kjwaves
  4. Integrate Lua API in Klayout to make seamless integration of the whole tool suite
  5. Lua would be the cohesive extension language common to all tools in Rigeda. Lua is a perfect language for extensibility and modularity of the tools since it is easy to learn by non programmers and extremely powerful and flexible to be used in amazing software like NMAP, Wireshark, VLC, etc.

  6. Add methodology and API to record design flow for Machine Learning
  7. Make 1st release
  8. Create marketplace for plugins
  9. Add documentation and spreadsheet plugins
  10. Release 1st Machine Learning model for certain topologies

